Windstar - The have fixed their feed and the cruises are now updating daily as expected
Hurtigruten - An issue preventing multiple Holidays/Packages using the same cruise date from appearing individually is now fixed. The best examples of this are the ‘From Machu Picchu to the Galapagos Islands’ and ‘Expedition Cruise to the Galapagos Islands’ packages. The former includes additional hotel stays but uses the same cruise date as the latter. Due to the way the integration was built, we didn’t originally realise cruises could belong to multiple packages so they were merged into one, leading to duplicate prices. This is now resolved, and the second package now includes “-2” at the end of the CruiseRef. For example HURT807947807968 (Expedition Cruise to the Galapagos Islands) and HURT807947807968-2 (From Macchu Picchu to the Galapagos Islands)
Hurtigruten - An issue with duplicate pricing has now been fixed. Two things were involved in this issue:
non-uk prices were included which should have been excluded. The files we use, though in GBP, unfortunately do include non-uk packages which aren’t specifically indicated as such and require additional exceptions to be set every time a new one comes through
the name of the fare_sets were not specific enough, which merged multiple ‘definitions’ of Packaged into one. fare_set names have now been updated to include ‘(incl hotel)‘, ‘(incl. flight)’ or (’incl. flight + hotel) where applicable. Most of the cruises are still cruise only with the exception of the Galapagos packages which include flight from LHR
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