Cruise Integrations
- Itineraries (Version 1) - A bug preventing the summary of some ports from being displayed in the GET cruises/port_visits request of the Version 1 of the Cruises API has now been fixed. The summaries are now being displayed as expected.
- starts_on time - An issue in logic preventing some integrations from displaying the time in the starts_on field of the GET cruises/get and GET cruises/get_all requests has now been fixed. Please be aware that not all of the weekly integrations have been updated since this bug was fixed, so some times will still be missing until the next schedule update is performed.
- CroisiEurope - a large amount of cruise names are currently missing from the CroisiEurope flat files. As the cruise line is currently migrating their servers, we will check the data once their systems are back up and running on Monday morning. If the issue is not resolved then, we will contact them to ask them for a fix.
- CroisiEurope - unrelated to the cruise line's server migration, some of the cruises are missing data in the ends_on field, creating issues for some of our customers who include this field in their logic. We are working to get this issue sorted as soon as possible. Should this issue be a problem for you integration with the Widgety system, please email and we will lock this cruise line from your key until the issue is fixed, so your regular updates can still go through as expected.
- Missing grade_names - a new mapping system will be deployed in the coming week which will make it easier and faster for us to add in new grade_names into the system. Once this is available, new grade_names will be added on the day new cabins are released.
- Cruise Search - A bug preventing the dropdowns in the FIND A SHIP search to display the correct values when the FIND A CRUISE tab is hidden has now been fixed.
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